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Turn-Key Monitoring Programs

At the Vander Weele Group, we believe monitoring presents opportunities to identify gaps between a system’s plan as envisioned and how it is implemented. The process provides critical information about front-line weaknesses that informs policy, training, and technical assistance to clients.


We provide:


  • Turn-Key Monitoring Plans: We develop customized monitoring programs tailored to your agency’s needs. We develop the necessary monitoring tools, technology, work processes, and methodologies for effective oversight. Our risk assessments rank and prioritize subrecipients for monitoring.


  • Regulatory Analysis: We convert your grant program’s legal requirements—whether they emerge from law, regulation, program or contractual requirements—into a compliance matrix, providing the building blocks for the monitoring tools and the entire grant program. 


  • Policies and Procedures: We develop, map, and/or review grant program policies and procedures.


  • Training: We provide guidance and training on grant processes, policies and procedures, compliance and legal standards, and more.

Sample Projects

New Jersey Department of Community Affairs

The Vander Weele Group assisted the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Disaster Recovery and Mitigation, in standing up its own monitoring team as it administered $6.2 billion of ARPA grant funds provided to 28 State agencies for 103 programs. Our team guided the division’s monitoring team in developing its own monitoring process and procedures. In a later engagement, the Vander Weele Group team documented the Division’s entire range of business processes, including developing standard operating procedures and creating business process maps, for the grant review process for Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) and the Capital Projects Fund (CPF). We supported the grants management process—from grant applications and developing Memoranda of Understanding with subrecipients through final submissions of the Quarterly Performance Reports to the U.S. Department of the Treasury portal. The ARPA grant-funded programs include broadband; state police; various children, family, and social services; infrastructure; various housing support programs; K-12 and higher education; healthcare; labor; tourism; economic revitalization; and veteran services; among others.

For this engagement we:

  • Performed risk assessments.

  • Developed procedures to evaluate project performance.

  • Developed procedures to evaluate internal controls.

  • Developed operating procedures and business process maps.

  • Supported the grants management process.

  • Provided training. 

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